Why Should You Choose Us?
Choosing any type of service provider — let alone a healthcare provider — can be a difficult process.
There are many different factors to include such as, is he/she knowledgable, can you communicate well together, do you like him or her; all the way down to if you like the way they look or not.
Meet the Team
“Our job is not to dictate to you what you do. But to help guide you based on what you are willing and able to do.” - Dr. Craig Mortensen
The only way to truly know if we are a good fit or not is to give us a call. Kristen, Sarah, Heather, or Kat can answer any questions you might have about our practice, Dr. Craig, Nurse Jessica, and our office.
One of my goals in my practice, as well as in my life is to be as upfront and transparent as possible. Throughout my website and in all of my videos, Facebook pages and newsletters, I try to portray who I am as a person and practitioner. I don’t try to hide anything or be vague.
“Superior Doctors Prevent Disease.
Mediocre Doctors Treat Impending Disease.
Inferior doctors treat actual disease”
- Chinese Proverb
Relationships and teaching lead to lasting health changes.
Hopefully, it will help you get an idea of whether you think we will work well together or not.
So take your time, look around, watch my videos, and learn.
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please don’t hesitate to call or email me.