Thyroid dysfunction is rarely as simple as TSH, T3 or T4 levels being out of balance.
Aside from the rare instance that someone has had their thyroid removed and truly needs thyroxine, most thyroid issues are due to an imbalance in the body that has begun elsewhere and is now presenting as a hypo- or hyperthyroid.
Many body imbalances can start in the adrenals, intestines, or immune system. Unfortunately, the thyroid is one of the most sensitive organs in the body and will be affected first, thus manifesting as an “out of tune thyroid.
Digestive problems such as IBS, Crohn's, IBD, and Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) can cause or contribute to the development of thyroid issues — most often hypothyroid such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis. When digestive imbalance occurs, the intercellular junctions of the gut lining begin to break down and open up. These larger openings allow larger molecules in, and when absorbed into the body, can act as allergies; the body then reacts to this with production of antibodies. This overproduction of antibodies can then cause an autoimmune response leading to hypothyroid.
Some of the simpler causes of low-functioning thyroid can be attributed to below optimal levels of certain nutrients used in the production and conversion of TSH, T3, T4, and all their intermediaries. Some common insufficiencies include selenium, zinc, vitamins A, B2, B3, B6, and B12.
The other most common cause of thyroid dysfunction comes from adrenal fatigue. Generally, there are three different stages of adrenal fatigue. High cortisol levels associated with chronic stress and adrenal fatigue decrease the conversion of T4 to T3 and increase conversion to Reverse T3. In summary, it's not good for thyroid function.
While not an all-inclusive list for thyroid dysfunction, it is a start. Most cases are more complex and require a lot more detective work in order to find the true cause.
I have included a recipe list for my favorite basic, uncomplicated thyroid support supplement program. If you would like some basic support for your thyroid, I would recommend trying the supplements below. If however you need further evaluation or have a more complicated case, please contact us to set up an appointment.
Feel free to sign up with Healthwave (p.s. it’s cheaper than Amazon) to create an account to order or look them up on Amazon below.