Lyme Disease

Also becoming known as MSIDS (Multiple Systemic Infectious Disease Syndrome)

It seems as though just about everyone and their mother either has or knows someone with lyme disease.

And that may actually be the case. Lyme disease tends to be diagnosed primarily based on symptoms and not necessarily lab testing.

Lab testing, although useful and helpful, can often be unreliable in many cases.

Lyme disease (or MSIDS) is the number one spreading vector borne epidemic in the U.S. and Europe. In 2013, the CDC noted a 10x increase in the number of cases, and in 2015, they noted a 320% increase in cases.

That is a HUGE increase in rates of Lyme disease.

In addition to Lyme being transmitted by ticks, there is also recent evidence that this chronic infection can be passed along by means of blood transfusions, maternal-fetal transmission, and may possibly even be transmitted sexually.

Addressing this debilitating disease can involve many different avenues and includes addressing all systems and functions of the body.

Summing up treatment was once succinctly described like this:

“Treating all 3 forms of Borrelia, while addressing biofilms, co-infections, inflammation, immune dysfunction, hormonal abnormalities, heavy metals, mold & nerutoxins, detoxification problems, sleep disorders, food sensitivities, Autonomic nerve dysfunction, and nutritional deficiencies are the most commonly found abnormalities on the Lyme (MSIDS) map that have the greatest impact on regaining health. Once all of the above factors on the Lyme (MSIDS) 16 point model for chronic disease are addressed, most resistant patients improve.”

Sounds like a lot. And it is. Believe me when I say, there are a handful of things that need to be addressed. The beauty of it lies in the fact that addressing Lyme in this manner is not very different from how a properly trained functional medicine practitioner will address any patient with chronic health issues. This approach is not specific to Lyme. There may be certain medications, herbs, or vitamins that may be more helpful than others, but the approach is the same.


The map on the left is an old map for the prediction of the spread of Lyme disease. Remember that by 2015, the CDC had predicted a 320% increase in the rate of this chronic disease. You can imagine what the map looks like now.

There are three different types of ticks recognized in the U.S. They are present in different areas. They are the Western Backlogged Tick (Ixodes pacificus) which are mostly on the West Coast from Mexico to Canada. The other types of ticks are the Lone Star tick and the Backlogged Tick. These ticks start around the Texas area and spread out over to the East Coast.

So What are the Symptoms Associated with Lyme (MSIDS) Disease?

Lyme is often known as the “Great Imitator” in that it can look or present like a lot of other conditions. If a patient is failing to respond to treatment for a variety of other suspect issues, we will look at the possibility of Lyme.

Here is a not-so-short list of some of the common Lyme Disease symptoms:

Any many more. One of, if not the most important key clinical symptom, is that the symptoms tend to come and go; patients will often have good and bad days, and the pain can move.