Cancer Prevention & Recovery
Cancer is that dreaded six letter word that no one wants to ever hear.
Many times, patients take it as a death sentence. They think they are doomed to chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery to remove that potentially deadly disease.
While that may be part of the solution, it’s not a magic bullet nor 100% effective all of the time.
The natural prevention and care of cancer through integrative medicine and a functional medicine approach is truly the future of healthcare.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that over the next 20 years, the rate of cancer will increase over 70%
Currently, cancer is the second leading cause of death — 1 in 4 people will die from it.
That statistic doesn’t take into account those that will get it and have to go through the horrible, terrible, no good, extremely detrimental treatments of chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and all of the other horrifically toxic drugs modern medicine uses to combat cancer. Which, by the way, increase your chances of developing other types of cancers down the road.
There are over 200 individual types of cancers, and it seems as though our bodies continually find new types of cancers to develop.
Cancer is on the rise and increasing in prevalence faster that we can keep up with it. It is BIG business — estimated to cost the U.S. alone over $263.8 billion dollars per year. And that number was from a few years ago.
Every doctor that I have encountered is truly trying to help while looking out for their patient’s best interest. Often times they are just so focused on their area of specialty that they neglect to look at the rest of the body, how it is functioning, and why the cancer developed in the first place.
Unfortunately, there just isn’t enough room on this page to cover all of the intricacies of cancer treatment and prevention. I will cover just a few of the different approaches that we take to in dealing with cancer.
Each patient is an individual. As such, your treatment may vary significantly from one person to the next. We always do a thorough evaluation of each patient in order to develop an individualized natural treatment or prevention protocol.
What is the right approach to natural cancer prevention and treatment?
Dealing with cancer is tricky business. The best and easiest approach to cancer is to prevent it through natural alternative medicine methods so that you don’t get it in the first place. Once your body has become so out of balance that cancer has developed and taken hold, we take on an entirely different approach.
Contact to schedule an appointment with Dr. Craig today.