Why stinky armpits might be good for your health.

What is lurking in your deodorant?

Deodorant is such a wonderful thing! Can you imagine if we didn’t have it? Life would not be very pleasant, at least not for those around us. I personally love my deodorant. Let’s take a look at what helps us to not stink so much.

You can buy antiperspirant, which helps you not to sweat. Antiperspirant usually contain aluminum for this purpose. It also contains fragrances and parfums to mask any smell you may have.

Deodorants on the other are meant to deodorize your armpits by covering the smell, not stopping the smell from starting in the first place. These are usually a better option.

Think about it. How can we possibly think that stopping the body from doing something that it naturally does (sweat) how can that be a good thing. Sweating one way that we detox.

Let’s first take a look at antiperspirant and aluminum. Studies have shown that antiperspirants are safe when used for a LIMITED amount of time.

But what is a limited amount of time? 1 time per month? every other month?

Some research suggests that aluminum based compounds which are applied frequently and left on the skin near the breast can be absorbed by the skin and cause estrogen like hormonal effects. Since estrogen has the ability to promote the growth of cancer cells, scientists have suggested and some studies have linked these aluminum based compounds may contribute to an increase in the rate of breast cancer.

Also, studies have shown that women who started shaving and using antiperspirants before the age of 16 were diagnosed with breast cancer at an earlier age. When we shave, whether its our face, legs, or armpits it open up pores and makes it more likely that we absorb more of whatever toxin we put on our bodies. So by shaving and then putting on antiperspirants, we are increasing the rate of absorption of theses toxins.

Before deciding on a deodorant, read our posts on fragrances and the one on parabens.

So how about a little KISS? What’s a girl or guy to do?

Buy deodorant (not antiperspirant) and read the ingredients. For the most natural option, look for a deodorant that uses essential oils or a home made deodorant. I have found home made to be the best option as far as keeping the stink away.

Keep deodorized and smell on!

Dr. Craig Mortensen


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