The 6 biggest barriers to your health.

We all have certain things that hold up back from better health. These are the most common issues I see in my patients' over and over again. If you can eliminate most or all of these obstacles you I can guarantee you will be on the path to better health.

1. Motivation - Getting or staying health is not easy. We pretty much all know that. The first step in achieving your health goals is determining and sticking with whatever your motivation is. Write is down, make a mental note, post it all over the place, read it every day. Your personal motivation may be family, kids, grandkids, feeling better, not being in pain, being able to do the things you love, not losing your job etc.

2. Inertia - Yep. Physics is holding you back from better health. It's a scientific fact that it takes less energy to continue what you are doing than it does to change. The good news is once you chance inertia is on your side. Having a coach or doctor(like myself) is a big one to help with this.

3. Analysis Paralysis - This is actually way more common than the next problem (#4) many patients have. With the internet and google, information is readily available. The problem is that there is soooo much information that it becomes difficult if not impossible to separate the good from bad. What happens is that people have so much conflicting information that they end up doing nothing. Analysis Paralysis. Incorrect knowledge is dangerous.

4. Not enough knowledge - Some patients are so overwhelmed with the amount of information available that they don't even begin or try to find the information on their own. Knowledge is power. Finding the right knowledge is key.

5. Cost - This is probably one of the most common "excuses" that I hear. In my opinion this excuse is a giant pile of steaming you know what. Being healthy doesn't have to be expensive. The alternative is WAY more expensive. In the long run it will cost you more money, time, energy, and heartache being sick. It may even cost you your life or literally an arm or a leg. How's that for expensive? How much is your health worth? Are you willing to save a few bucks in the short run in exchange for remaining sick?

6. Society - As conspiracy theory as this sounds, society wants to keep you sick. Think about it. Packaged food is pumped full of salt, sugar, and fat. All addictive ingredients. The better they make something taste the more you want it and need it. Do pharmacuetical companies really want you to get healthier? There is all kinds of talk about curing cancer (which is good), but, where is all the talk about preventing cancer. There is no money in that.
It's not easy being healthy. It takes a lot of knowledge, research and time to wade through all the junk and know whats what. My job is to help guide you towards a life that is healthier, happier and more enjoyable.

Give me a call to set up a free consultation to see if I can help you.

Dr. Craig Mortensen


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