SIBO Types, treatment and warnings

“Hey everyone, welcome back to the show! If you’re dealing with bloating, gas, stomach pain, or food intolerances and you’ve been told it’s ‘just IBS,’ then listen up—because today we’re talking about SIBO, or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth.

But here’s the kicker—there’s not just one type of SIBO. And the wrong treatment? It could actually make things worse. So today, we’re diving into:

The different types of SIBO
Natural treatment strategies
And why treating one type the wrong way could backfire

Let’s get into it!”
“So, first off, SIBO happens when bacteria—bacteria that should be in your large intestine—decide to set up camp in the small intestine. That’s a problem because they ferment food too early, leading to gas, bloating, and all those fun digestive issues.

But not all SIBO is the same. There are three main types:

Hydrogen SIBO – This is the most common. It’s caused by an overgrowth of hydrogen-producing bacteria. Symptoms? Think diarrhea, bloating, and rapid food transit.

Methane SIBO (technically called IMO—Intestinal Methanogen Overgrowth) – This one’s different. Methanogens aren’t even bacteria; they’re archaea. And they slow things down, leading to constipation and gas.

Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO – This is the newest one we’ve identified. Instead of hydrogen or methane, this type produces hydrogen sulfide gas. Symptoms? It’s a mix of constipation, diarrhea, and that classic ‘rotten egg’ smelling gas. Fun, right?”

“Alright, so if you suspect SIBO, what can you do about it? Well, conventional medicine often uses antibiotics like Rifaximin. And while that can work, natural treatments can be just as effective—if not more—especially at preventing relapse.

Here’s a breakdown by type:

Hydrogen SIBO – Herbal antimicrobials like oregano oil, berberine, and neem can be really effective. Plus, diet changes—like low FODMAPs or an elemental diet—can help starve those bacteria.

Methane SIBO (IMO) – This one’s tricky. Those archaea feed on hydrogen, so you don’t just need antimicrobials—you also need something that targets the methanogens, like allicin (from garlic), bismuth, or Atrantil. And prokinetics(Prokinetics are substances—either natural or pharmaceutical—that help stimulate movement in the digestive tract, particularly in the small intestine. They help prevent food and bacteria from stagnating, which is a key issue in SIBO.) are a must to keep things moving.

Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO – Here’s where it gets complicated. Sulfur-rich foods can actually make this worse. So if you’re eating a ton of garlic and onions thinking you’re helping, you might be feeding the wrong bugs. Instead, things like molybdenum and butyrate can help detox that excess hydrogen sulfide.”

Can the Wrong Treatment Make Things Worse?
“So here’s where a lot of people go wrong. They hear ‘SIBO’ and jump straight into killing bacteria. But if you have methane-dominant SIBO, taking oregano oil or berberine alone could actually increase methane production—because you’re killing off the bacteria that compete with the methanogens!

Or, if you have hydrogen sulfide SIBO and you go heavy on sulfur-rich foods and supplements, you might be fueling the fire instead of putting it out.

This is why testing is so important. A simple breath test can tell you whether you have hydrogen, methane, or hydrogen sulfide dominance. And knowing that makes all the difference in picking the right treatment.”

“So, bottom line—SIBO isn’t just SIBO. If you’re treating the wrong type the wrong way, you could actually make yourself worse.

Step one: Get tested. A breath test is the best way to know what type you have.

Step two: Match the treatment to your SIBO type—what works for one can backfire for another. However, don't lose sight of the forest for the trees," which means not to get so focused on the details that you miss the big picture. Its generally best to take a broad view of the entire gut vs super specific to just what particular SIBO you may have at the moment. I can guarantee you only have SIBO. Gut dysfunction/dysbiosis always proceeds it and that has to be addressed as well. First and foremost.
Step three: Support your gut long-term with prokinetics, diet, and stress management to prevent relapse.

If this episode helped, make sure to like, subscribe, and share it with someone who’s been struggling with gut issues. And if you need help figuring out what’s going on with your gut, drop a comment or check the links below for more resources.

I’ll see you next time—take care of that gut!”


Medication terms you need to know.