Battling the scourge of Adrenal fatigue!

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most rampant issues that I see in my office. While generally not present as a stand alone issue, it has a very far and wide reach to your over all health. 

Below I have listed and given you links to some of the recordings I often use for my own patients. So if you have any of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue listed below, scroll a little farther, click on a link and do a little relaxation to start yourself on the way to healing. 
Adrenal fatigue symptoms:

  • Blood pressure: High or low blood pressure.

  • Food cravings and weight changes: either salty or sugary, but usually salty.

  • Energy: Or lack there of.

  • Emotions and coping ability: nope. Not there either. Short fused, ready to blow, can’t cope with any excess stresses in life.

  • Thinking: brain fog, not feeling like yourself, feeling disconnected, can’t concentrate or think.

  • Immune response: Getting sick a lot, not getting over being sick fast, or just being sick all the time.

  • Sleep: Having a hard time falling asleep or having a hard time staying asleep. Or even sleeping well but then waking up and still being tired.

  • Hormones/Libido: Poor sex drive, mood swings, irregular cycles, perimenopause like symptoms.

Guided Imagery- Guided imagery meditation is a gentle but powerful technique that focuses and directs the imagination in proactive, positive ways.

Guided Relaxation- Guided meditation is a process by which one or more participants meditate in response to the guidance provided by a trained practitioner or teacher,[1] either in person or via a written text, sound recording, video, or audiovisual media[2][3][4] comprising music or verbal instruction, or a combination of both.

Guided Meditation- Guided meditation is a process by which one or more participants meditate in response to the guidance provided by a trained practitioner or teacher, either in person or via a written text, sound recording, video, or audiovisual media comprising music or verbal instruction, or a combination of both.

Grounding- Grounding connects you to the energy of the earth or attempts to anyway. It is said to aid in healing and is a great way to connect with nature when you can’t be there in person and free your mind.

Calming your body- Pretty self explanatory.

Anchoring- Anchors are mental objects you associate with a particular state of mind, in this case meditation. By remembering the anchor you automatically recall the state of mind with which it is associated


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