Treatments for Autoimmune Conditions

Treatment for autoimmune diseases can be tricky and are as varied as the type of people that I see in my office. That being said, here are some general guidelines that can help in dealing with your autoimmune disease. While not an all-inclusive list, it can be used as a starting point. As always, I highly recommend a phone consultation or finding another Functional medicine doctor to guide you on your journey to health.

First, I’m going to list some supplements that are often thought of as being beneficial to the immune system, for the normal person. To the person with AI disease, these are to be avoided. They are immune-stimulative: they boost the immune system. We don’t want to boost the immune system, we want to restore it.

11 General guidelines for the treatment of Autoimmune diseases

1) Find a Functional Medicine Doctor
2) Get tested for toxins
3) Get tested for food sensitivities
4) Take immune BALANCING supplements
5) Detoxify, Detoxify, Detoxify.
6) Change protein intake from animals to plants
7) Eliminate milk and milk products
8) More fruits and veggies - NON GMO (more on that in a later blog)
9) Eliminate polyunsaturated vegetable oils, margarine, vegetable shortening, hydrogenated oil, trans fats
10) Increase intake of Omega 3 fatty acids - EPA/DHA. Low-mercury fish
11) Use more ginger and turmeric in cooking


1) Garlic - Contains allicin, ajoene, thiosufinates. These increase the activity of WBCs, particularly macrophages and lymphocytes.

2) Echinacea, goldenseal, astragalus - these stimulate the immune system by up-regulating TH1 cells. Not good for AI disease.

3) Alfalfa Sprouts - Contains L-canavanine. This has shown to increase inflammation. No Bueno.

4) Melatonin - Often though of as a sleep aid — and it is — it has also been shown to stimulate the immune system.

5) Rozerem - This is used as a sleep aid medication, but this drugs mimics the action of melatonin, thus stimulation.

Good to take

1) Vitamin D - Has been shown to stimulate calcitriol, which is an antibacterial protein and acts as a first line of defense for the immune system.

2) EPA/DHA - Immune balancing

3) Gamma Linolenic Acid - Immune balancing

4) Probiotics - Immune balancing. I recommend at least 50 billion per serving and not taken in conjunction with prebiotics which can contribute to SIBO if present.

5) Vitamin B6 - assists in interleukin 2 production. Must be taken in conjunction with proper amount of other B vitamins.

6) Antioxidants - Always good for regulating functions of the body.

7) DHEA - used to balance the hormones of the body and battle adrenal fatigue. I always recommend adrenal testing prior to taking this one. See a Functional Medicine Doctor or get a phone appointment.


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