
Toxins in our environment and bodies is such a huge deal that I almost never have a patient that doesn’t go through some sort of initial detoxification program; the length of which can vary depending on age, symptoms, exam, etc. I have even dedicated an entire page to detoxification.

While I won’t go into all the horror stories of toxins and what they do to our bodies (you can read the detox page for that) just know that toxins can and will interfere with many of the biological processes and enzymatic reactions that occur in the body. If those toxins build up and impair function of the body, your likelihood of developing cancer goes up by leaps and bounds.

In fact, in my experience and opinion, this is tied for the top reason for cancer development in today’s society.

Here is a scary stat that may give you some food for thought on the role of toxins in cancer development: currently there are over 80,000 chemicals involved in some sort of industrial or manufacturing process. We are exposed to many of those toxins on a daily basis in our cars, air, water, office, houses, etc. Most of these chemicals have had NO studies done on their safety, or how they affect the body, or what their toxicity levels may be.
Every year there are 1,000 new chemicals that are introduced for use in other industrial processes. Again, with no safety studies.

The toxic burden of the body is exponentially increasing every year and this is contributing to increased cancer rates.
The natural healthcare method of preventing cancer includes removing the current toxins in the body, minimizing exposure, and continuing to optimize your body’s ability to detoxify itself.