Antibacterial soap in your toothpaste? YUM!

Tooth brushers beware. If you are using a certain type of toothpaste you may be ingesting this toxic ingredient that was just banned in hand sanitizers, hand soap and body washes.

Triclosan is in antibacterial soap and other products that has been used in some “anti-bacterial” products for years but was recently banned by the FDA because the safety of theses products was not clear.

Translation - Oh shoot, this stuff is bad, we messed up, lets get rid of it quick. But not completely because then the chemical companies will be mad at us.

The FDA banned 19 different antibacterial products, one of the most common being triclosan.

What they found is that these products where found in a review of studies from the University of California San Diego to contribute to antibiotic resistance, disrupt hormones and immunity, and it has also been linked to tumors in mice.

Yeah, yeah, I know what some of you are going to say. We aren’t mice!
Very astute observation. But do we have hormones don’t we? Do we have an immune system? Do we like getting tumors?

Thats what I thought. I don’t care what kind of “link" it has. If there is a link, I’m staying away.
It’s not about avoiding everything and living a perfect life and worrying about every little thing like some people think a “healthy” person lives their life like. Its about avoiding and minimizing what we can so that the stuff we can avoid doesn’t affect us as much and our body is able to handle it better.

Triclosan is still permitted in toothpaste, cosmetics, athletic clothing and cleaning products. Im not sure how and why they allowed it to stay in toothpaste in particular. They must have thought, Lets not put it on our skin or anything but if we put it in our mouth and just make sure we try really hard not to swallow it will be ok, we wont get any in our system.


Yep, seems logical to me!

On to the study Dr. Watson

The University of Massachusetts Amherst researchers found that people that used triclosan containing toothpastes continued to be exposed to triclosan for a long time after stopping the use of the toothpaste since it got absorbed into the toothbrushes themselves. They found that over a 2 week period the level of exposure diminished but did not go away. So get a new toothbrush.

The main toothpaste that still contains triclosan is ….Colgate Total toothpastes.

So if you use this toothpaste. DON’T!. Get another one. I have included some links to some good natural ones and in another blog I will have my wife share her recipe for the toothpaste she makes.

What does the American dental Association ADA say about it?

And I quote “make your choice based on price, the taste you prefer, and your mouths comfort”

Because we all know that the cheapest brand is always the best right? Cars, clothes, food, vitamins, whatever. The cheaper the better. Uh, huh!

I’m just being silly. You know that’s not true. Check out my link on how to buy Physician only nutraceuticals directly. 

Before we end this post, lets touch real quickly on some other ingredients that can be an issue in your toothpaste. 

  1. Flouride - Proven to be a thyroid hormone disrupter

  2. Detergents - give toothpaste the foaming action, can cause canker sores and peeling of mouth tissue?!

  3. Whiteners - can cause canker sores and other “mouth lesions”

  4. Xylitol - Can of worms warning. Ill cover this in a later blog. Sometimes this one is hard to avoid, even in some supplements I use in my office just because there are not any other alternatives. But just know that in high amounts there are issues. I’m working on trying to completely eliminate xylitol from all of my products I carry in my office, and this is a tall order. This one is “To be continued”

    Ok. And, done.

    Take care of those pearly whites.

    Im Dr. Craig Mortensen
    Be Healthy, Be happy.

    And of course, here are some natural alternatives.
    Full disclosure. We don’t use any of these. My wife makes our toothpaste. Ill get her to put the recipe up soon so stay tuned.

    Desert Essence
    Uncle Harry’s Fluoride free Toothpaste
    Activated Charcoal and Coconut oil Toothpaste


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