Lowering cholesterol naturally doesn't have to be hard.

I see tons of patients with high cholesterol and they are often either the easiest or the most difficult patients I see. Many patients accustomed to todays allopathic method of healthcare think that medications fix problems.

I have news for you. THEY DON’T! Now don’t get me wrong, Modern medicine is great at what it was designed for. Acute care.

They are either the hardest because they think the medication they are on is fixing their problem. (like their body is somehow “statin” deficient) or they are they easiest because they know what the meds can do to them and they want to get off them and are willing to do what I tell them to do.

This post isn’t about why or what statins can do to your body (coming in another post). I just want to give you some real world examples of how high cholesterol can be improved and fixed in a very short period of time with the right plan, guidance, and individual care.


Just in case you were curious about some of the side effects, Here is the short list (it’s actually much longer) of some of the most common side effects of statins. Not too mention that drug companies just LOVE it when a patient goes on a statin. They just made a customer for life. Not a bad business model. Talk about repeat customers. Unless they die of course.

  • Muscle pain and damage. The most common statin side effect is muscle pain. ...

  • Liver damage. ...

  • Digestive problems. ...

  • Rash or flushing. ...

  • Increased blood sugar or type 2 diabetes. ...

  • Neurological side effects.

    So on to my most recent patients that had fairly significant cholesterol levels and were able to lower their cholesterol over a period of 1 to 2 months while at the same time going off of their medications.

    This fist case was a female that came in to see me for thyroid issues and fatigue. She wasn’t too interested in going off her cholesterol meds at the time but I advised her that if we can get her numbers low enough it would be beneficial for her overall health. The first column is her cholesterol on her first visit, the second column is 6 weeks post care. The third column is my reference range that I ideally like to have patients in. The last number column is the standard reference range.

    As you can see her levels dropped almost 60 points and she will be ready to start going off her meds soon. They went from 272 to a 213. Not bad!

Case Numer 2:

This was a female that cam in for Digestive issues as her primary complaint. While she had many different issues she needed to deal with, one of her main concerns was that she “didn’t want to have to go on another medication” for her cholesterol. Again this is about 6 weeks after starting treatment. Granted her HDL levels went down, but that was due to her digestive issues and is something we are working on.

Case Number 3:

Last but not least. This was a male that presented with lack of sex drive, executive dysfunction, lack of energy, and a general loss of vitality. As you can see from the first 2 columns that after just a few weeks of care this patient has done extremely well with his cholesterol. By the way, I would just like to point out that a lot of the symptoms of this last case often go together. Most of the time they are not independent symptoms but they are a set of symptoms that often play into one another and affect each other.

So there you have it. 3 recent cases of patients on their way to better health through natural, drug free, side effect free healthcare.

Hope you enjoyed it. Until next time.

Be healthy, be happy!

Dr. Craig Mortensen


Functional vs. standard blood ranges.


How to save money on vitamins and supplements.